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Python - Extracting Instances of Text from File

I'm a beginner at python, and I'm working on a project that parses comments from an Instagram post to determine who commented first. I have everything working except for the parsing of the large text file I get when I pull the comments from the Instagram API. I tried using a split statement to split by the instance of "id", but that didn't do what I want, and I can't seem to figure out how to do this.

Text file I'm trying to parse is here:

Code is below

with open("comments.txt", "r") as f:
    for line in f:
        str = line.split("id", 10)

Eventually I'd like to output these instances along with following text into another file, but this is the main problem right now.


    • using BeautifulSoup and its html.parser parse your html
    • find the json content inside pre tag
    • convert it into dictionary format
    • get the data using keys.

    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import json
    content = open('comments.txt')
    soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'html.parser')
    a = soup.find('pre').get_text()
    # print(a)
    data = json.loads(a)
    # print(data['graphql']['shortcode_media']['edge_media_to_comment']['edges'])
    comments = data['graphql']['shortcode_media']['edge_media_to_comment']['edges']
    for i in comments:


    {'node': {'id': '17866050361316207', 'text': '@pay2on gimme that coin', 'created_at': 1549838809, 'did_report_as_spam': False, 'owner': {'id': '351807810', 'is_verified': False, 'profile_pic_url': '', 'username': 'pay2on'}, 'viewer_has_liked': False, 'edge_liked_by': {'count': 0}}}
    {'node': {'id': '18015390769112027', 'text': 'Gg', 'created_at': 1549838810, 'did_report_as_spam': False, 'owner': {'id': '1620477479', 'is_verified': False, 'profile_pic_url': '', 'username': 'a_andrestares'}, 'viewer_has_liked': False, 'edge_liked_by': {'count': 0}}}
    {'node': {'id': '18032678767050139', 'text': '💀', 'created_at': 1549838821, 'did_report_as_spam': False, 'owner': {'id': '10336797539', 'is_verified': False, 'profile_pic_url': '', 'username': 'sourpods'}, 'viewer_has_liked': False, 'edge_liked_by': {'count': 0}}}
    {'node': {'id': '18031342408039828', 'text': '@pay2on anticoin', 'created_at': 1549838844, 'did_report_as_spam': False, 'owner': {'id': '4726002591', 'is_verified': False, 'profile_pic_url': '', 'username': ''}, 'viewer_has_liked': False, 'edge_liked_by': {'count': 0}}}
    {'node': {'id': '17900497066291896', 'text': 'H9', 'created_at': 1549838912, 'did_report_as_spam': False, 'owner': {'id': '9667789306', 'is_verified': False, 'profile_pic_url': '', 'username': 'chronic_wanna_be'}, 'viewer_has_liked': False, 'edge_liked_by': {'count': 0}}}