I'm using this library to handle two factor auth for a django project, but i'm having some troubles: in my site, i added a setup.html page, i set the url on my urls.py file but i keep getting this error:
In template C:\Users\Us\lib\site-packages\allauth\templates\base.html, error at line 26
Reverse for 'account_email' not found. 'account_email' is not a valid view function or pattern name.
<li><a href="{% url 'account_email' %}">Change E-mail</a></li>
Which is completely weird because i'm not trying to load a file called base.html but my own setup.html file, which is located in my project's folder (the path is project-folder>templates>setup.html). This is the setup.html that i would like to load from my own templates:
{% extends 'main/header.html' %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block content %}
{% trans "Setup Two-Factor Authentication" %}
{% trans 'Step 1' %}:
{% trans 'Scan the QR code below with a token generator of your choice (for instance Google Authenticator).' %}
<img src="{{ qr_code_url }}" />
{% trans 'Step 2' %}:
{% trans 'Input a token generated by the app:' %}
<form method="post">
{% csrf_token %}
{{ form.non_field_errors }}
{{ form.token.label }}: {{ form.token }}
<button type="submit">
{% trans 'Verify' %}
{% endblock %}
It looks like the module that i'm using, instead of loading MY setup.html will load something else, but i can't find a way to fix this.
Here is the view that i'm calling to handle the setup (it' the module's view): https://github.com/percipient/django-allauth-2fa/blob/master/allauth_2fa/views.py
And here is my own urls.py, where the view that i mentioned is being called:
from django.urls import path
from . import views
from django.conf.urls import url, include
from django.conf.urls import url
from allauth_2fa import views as allauth_2fa_views
app_name = "main"
urlpatterns = [
path("setup/", allauth_2fa_views.TwoFactorSetup.as_view(), name="setup"),
path("", views.homepage, name="homepage"),
path("register/", views.register, name="register"),
path("logout/", views.logout_request, name="logout"),
path("login/", views.login_request, name="login"),
The TwoFactorSetup
view is using a template setup.html in a folder allauth_2fa. So all you need to do is place your setup.html inside a folder with the same name: app_folder/templates/allauth_2fa/setup.html to override it.
Alternatively, subclass TwoFactorSetup
and just change the template_name
attribute to point to your template and use that view in your urls.py:
from allauth_2fa.views import TwoFactorSetup
class MySetup(TwoFactorSetup):
template_name = 'my_app/setup.html'