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sed replacement assistance with url

I'd need the below xml data to be parsed by sed inside my variable and return

I am using a variable called PLX_IP:

  curl -b plexcookie.txt "${PLX_TOK}" | \
  sed 's/.*uri=\"\([^\"]*\)\"\slocal.*/\1/g' | \
  tail -n 5)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MediaContainer size="6">
  <Device name="Test" product="Plex Media Server" productVersion="" platform="Android" platformVersion="8.0.0" device="SHIELD Android TV" clientIdentifier="adfafasdfasdfasdfsdf" createdAt="1548647140" lastSeenAt="23424324" provides="server" owned="1" accessToken="asdfasdfadfadsfadsfa" publicAddress="" httpsRequired="1" synced="0" relay="1" publicAddressMatches="1" presence="1">
    <Connection protocol="https" address="" port="32400" uri="" local="1"/>
    <Connection protocol="https" address="" port="11111" uri="" local="0"/>
  <Device name="Firefox" product="Plex Web" productVersion="3.91.0" platform="Firefox" platformVersion="65.0" device="OSX" clientIdentifier="adfafasdfasdfasdfsdf" createdAt="asdf" lastSeenAt="" provides="client,player,pubsub-player" owned="1" publicAddress="" publicAddressMatches="1" presence="1" accessToken="asdfasdfadfadsfadsfa">
    <Connection protocol="https" address="" port="32400" uri="" local="1"/>
    <Connection protocol="https" address="" port="11111" uri="" local="0"/>

This only returns the last 5 lines, but I need just the

Any help is very much appreciated. I know an xml parser is probably better for this but i'm developing this on an embedded box and can't afford the additional overhead


  • As oguzismail wrote, this is best done with an xmlparser, but even with simple tools you can solve this problem:

    1. grep all interessting lines from xml file

    grep 'local="1"' file.xml

    this produce:

       <Connection protocol="https" address="" port="32400" uri="" local="1"/>
       <Connection protocol="https" address="" port="32400" uri="" local="1"/>

    2. extract uri's form this lines

    sed "s/.*uri=\"\([^\"]*\)\"\slocal.*/\1/g"

    this produce:

    3. the uri's are indentical and you can take one of it (e.g. the last)

    tail -1

    this produce

    4. concatenate all parts together

    grep 'local="1"' file.xml | sed "s/.*uri=\"\([^\"]*\)\"\slocal.*/\1/g" | tail -1

    And you get what you wish!