I am a bit new to python and I am trying to get a list containing all root parent existing in a scene of type joint
for example, my scene outliner is something like that:
I want a script that travels through the outliner and returns a list, in my example:
[joint1, joint4, joint16]
Any tips would be really appreciated. thank you so much.
Im not sure if it is any of use has Haggi Krey solution works fine but You can use also the flag : -long from cmds.ls
# list all the joints from the scene
mjoints = cmds.ls(type='joint', l=True)
# list of the top joints from chain
output = []
# list to optimise the loop counter
exclusion = []
# lets iterate joints
for jnt in mjoints:
# convert all hierarchy into a list
pars = jnt.split('|')[1:]
# lets see if our hierarchy is in the exclusion list
# we put [1:] because maya root is represented by ''
if not set(pars) & set(exclusion):
# we parse the hierarchy until we reach the top joint
# then we add it to the output
# we add everything else to the exclusion list to avoid
for p in pars:
if cmds.nodeType(p) == 'joint':
I just put this because there is not one way to go. I hope the construction of this code could help your python skills. It is exactly the same, just the way to find the parent nodes is different !