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Using PleaseWait.js loading screen with Vue-CLI

I need to use PleaseWait.js loader screen in my Webpack Vue-CLI project.

I searched for any Vue-friendly alternatives, but didn't find any suitable packages.

I also found this, which is a demo of using PleaseWait.js with Vue, but it didn't work with Webpack, basically because of this error:

Error in mounted hook: "TypeError: please_wait__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0___default(...) is not a function"

I am looking for a way to make it work, or for any good alternatives.


  • Here's how you would import it in your Vue CLI project:

    1. Install please-wait as a dependency with this command:

      npm i -S please-wait
    2. Create a single file component in src/components/Loader.vue with an empty template (please-wait already attaches its own HTML to the document):

        <div v-once></div>
    3. In Loader.vue's <script>, import please-wait and its CSS:

      import { pleaseWait } from 'please-wait'
      import 'please-wait/build/please-wait.css'
    4. Also add a prop and a corresponding watcher that will open the please-wait loader based on the prop value:

      export default {
        props: ['isLoading'],
        watch: {
          isLoading: {
            handler(isLoading) {
              if (isLoading) {
              } else {
            immediate: true,
    5. Also define the open/close methods used by the watcher:

      export default {
        methods: {
          open() {
            // Attaching a `pleaseWaitInstance` property (no need to declare)...
            if (!this.pleaseWaitInstance) {
              this.pleaseWaitInstance = pleaseWait({
                logo: '',
                backgroundColor: '#f46d3b',
                loadingHtml: '<p class="loading-message">A good day to you fine user!</p>'
          close() {
            if (this.pleaseWaitInstance) {
              this.pleaseWaitInstance = null
    6. In Loader.vue's <style>, add CSS to make the loading message's text (created in the open method) appear white.

      .loading-message {
        color: white;
    7. In src/App.vue, import the Loader component from above, and add it to the template:

          <loading-screen :is-loading="isLoading"></loading-screen>
      import Loader from "./components/Loader";
      export default {
        components: {
          'loading-screen': Loader
        data() {
          return {
            isLoading: true
        mounted () {
          setTimeout(() => {
            this.isLoading = false
          }, 2000)
