I am wanting to calculate a simple momentum signal. The method I am following is 1 month lagged cumret
divided by 12 month lagged cumret
minus 1.
starts at 1/5/14
and ends at 1/5/16
. As a 12 month lag is required, the first mom
signal has to start 12 months after the start of date
. Hence, why the first mom
signal starts at 1/5/15
Here is the data utilized:
import pandas as pd
data = {'date':['1/5/14','1/6/14','1/7/14','1/8/14','1/9/14','1/10/14','1/11/14','1/12/14' .,'1/1/15','1/2/15','1/3/15','1/4/15','1/5/15','1/6/15','1/7/15','1/8/15','1/9/15','1/10/15','1/11/15','1/12/15','1/1/16','1/2/16','1/3/16','1/4/16','1/5/16'],
'id': ['a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a','a' ],
'ret':[0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12, 0.13, 0.14, 0.15, 0.16, 0.17, 0.18, 0.19, 0.20, 0.21, 0.22, 0.23, 0.24, 0.25],
'cumret':[1.01,1.03, 1.06,1.1 ,1.15,1.21,1.28, 1.36,1.45,1.55,1.66, 1.78,1.91,2.05,2.2,2.36, 2.53,2.71,2.9,3.1,3.31,3.53, 3.76,4,4.25]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data).set_index(['date', 'id'])
Desired output
ret cumret mom
date id
1/5/14 a .01 1.01
1/6/14 a .02 1.03
1/7/14 a .03 1.06
1/8/14 a .04 1.1
1/9/14 a .05 1.15
1/10/14 a .06 1.21
1/11/14 a .07 1.28
1/12/14 a .08 1.36
1/1/15 a .09 1.45
1/2/15 a .1 1.55
1/3/15 a .11 1.66
1/4/15 a .12 1.78
1/5/15 a .13 1.91 .8
1/6/15 a .14 2.05 .9
1/7/15 a .15 2.2 .9
1/8/15 a .16 2.36 1
1/9/15 a .17 2.53 1.1
1/10/15 a .18 2.71 1.1
1/11/15 a .19 2.9 1.1
1/12/15 a .2 3.1 1.1
1/1/16 a .21 3.31 1.1
1/2/16 a .22 3.53 1.1
1/3/16 a .23 3.76 1.1
1/4/16 a .24 4 1.1
1/5/16 a .25 4.25 1.1
This is the code tried to calculate mom
df['mom'] = ((df['cumret'].shift(-1) / (df['cumret'].shift(-12))) - 1).groupby(level = ['id'])
Entire dataset has more id
e.g. a, b, c. Just included 1 variable for this example.
Any help would be awesome! :)
As far as I know, momentum is simply rate of change. Pandas has a built-in method for this:
df['mom'] = df['ret'].pct_change(12) # 12 month change
Also, I am not sure why you are using cumret instead of ret to calculate momentum.
Update: If you have multiple IDs that you need to go through, I'd recommend:
for i in df.index.levels[1]:
temp = df.loc[(slice(None), i), "ret"].pct_change(11)
df.loc[(slice(None), i), "mom"] = temp
# or df.loc[(slice(None), i), "mom"] = df.loc[(slice(None), i), "ret"].pct_change(11) for short
ret cumret mom
date id
1/5/14 a 0.01 1.01 NaN
1/6/14 a 0.02 1.03 NaN
1/7/14 a 0.03 1.06 NaN
1/8/14 a 0.04 1.10 NaN
1/9/14 a 0.05 1.15 NaN
1/10/14 a 0.06 1.21 NaN
1/11/14 a 0.07 1.28 NaN
1/12/14 a 0.08 1.36 NaN
1/1/15 a 0.09 1.45 NaN
1/2/15 a 0.10 1.55 NaN
1/3/15 a 0.11 1.66 NaN
1/4/15 a 0.12 1.78 11.000000
1/5/15 a 0.13 1.91 5.500000
1/6/15 a 0.14 2.05 3.666667
1/7/15 a 0.15 2.20 2.750000
1/8/15 a 0.16 2.36 2.200000
1/9/15 a 0.17 2.53 1.833333
1/10/15 a 0.18 2.71 1.571429
1/11/15 a 0.19 2.90 1.375000
1/12/15 a 0.20 3.10 1.222222
1/1/16 a 0.21 3.31 1.100000
1/2/16 a 0.22 3.53 1.000000
1/3/16 a 0.23 3.76 0.916667
1/4/16 a 0.24 4.00 0.846154
1/5/16 a 0.25 4.25 0.785714
1/5/14 b 0.01 1.01 NaN
1/6/14 b 0.02 1.03 NaN
1/7/14 b 0.03 1.06 NaN
1/8/14 b 0.04 1.10 NaN
1/9/14 b 0.05 1.15 NaN
1/10/14 b 0.06 1.21 NaN
1/11/14 b 0.07 1.28 NaN
1/12/14 b 0.08 1.36 NaN
1/1/15 b 0.09 1.45 NaN
1/2/15 b 0.10 1.55 NaN
1/3/15 b 0.11 1.66 NaN
1/4/15 b 0.12 1.78 11.000000
1/5/15 b 0.13 1.91 5.500000
1/6/15 b 0.14 2.05 3.666667
1/7/15 b 0.15 2.20 2.750000
1/8/15 b 0.16 2.36 2.200000
1/9/15 b 0.17 2.53 1.833333
1/10/15 b 0.18 2.71 1.571429
1/11/15 b 0.19 2.90 1.375000
1/12/15 b 0.20 3.10 1.222222
1/1/16 b 0.21 3.31 1.100000
1/2/16 b 0.22 3.53 1.000000
1/3/16 b 0.23 3.76 0.916667
1/4/16 b 0.24 4.00 0.846154
1/5/16 b 0.25 4.25 0.785714