I have recently started coding in VBScript and I have a work where I have a batch file called Game.bat
located in the folder C:\Velocity DK\My Game
In my game, the user gets to login to the app. The basic script works just fine, but here is the problem. I have a .vbs file that opens when the user inputs wrong information to the batch file. Though, I can't find a way to make the VBS file redirect to the label I want the user to be going on depending on which button the user pressed.
The batch file looks a bit similar to this:
@echo off
echo Please input valid information.
set /p username=Username:
set /p password=Password:
if exist %USERPROFILE%\Game\"%username%"\username.sav if exist %USERPROFILE%\Game\"%username%"\username.sav goto game
if not exist %USERPROFILE%\Game\"%username%"\username.sav if not exist %USERPROFILE%\Game\"%username%"\username.sav (
start /wait "" C:\"Velocity DK"\"My Game"\Invalid.vbs
goto MAIN
:: My Game's code is located here
exit /force
My VBS file looks like this:
returnvalue = MsgBox "Do. you want to retry?",4,"My Game"
if returnvalue = 7 then
' Some code to redirect to batch file label :FORCE_EXIT
' Some code to redirect to the batch file label :RETRY
end if
In brief, I would like to know how I could make it so that when the user presses the yes button, he gets taken back to the :RETRY
label of the batch file other wise, he will be taken to the :FORCE_QUIT
label. How can I do so?
Can you use the argument/parameter to call your file.bat from your file.vbs to do this?...
Basically, with some cope editions the VBS and BAT file, to handle the argument/parameter and behave from these values..
The bat code above, will write the vbs file for you and execute the vbs.
Call from vbs:
file.bat :label
@echo off
for %%a in (%*) do if /i "%~1" == "%%~a" goto %%~a
>"%temp%\Q_SO55201139.vbs" ^
echo/ Option Explicit
echo/ Dim WshShell,StrArg0, StrArg1, StrArg2, Result
echo/ Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject^("Wscript.Shell"^)
echo/ StrArg0 = Chr^(34^) ^& "%~f0" ^& Chr^(34^)
echo/ StrArg1 = Chr^(34^) ^& ":RETRY" ^& Chr^(34^)
echo/ StrArg2 = Chr^(34^) ^& ":FORCE_QUIT" ^& Chr^(34^)
echo/ Result = MsgBox^("Do you want to retry?",vbyesno,"My Game"^)
echo/ if Result = VbNo then
echo/ WshShell.Run ^(StrArg0 ^& StrArg2^),1,True
echo/ else
echo/ WshShell.Run ^(StrArg0 ^& StrArg1^),1,True
echo/ end if
echo Please input valid information.
set /p "username=Username: "
set /p "password=Password: "
if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Game\"%username%"\username.sav" if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Game\"%username%"\username.sav" goto :game
if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Game\"%username%"\username.sav" if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Game\"%username%"\username.sav" (
cls & start "" /w "%Windir%\System32\wScript.exe" //nologo "C:\Velocity DK\My Game\Invalid.vbs"
start "" /w "%Windir%\System32\wScript.exe" //nologo "%temp%\Q_SO55201139.vbs" && exit /b
goto MAIN
:: My Game's code is located here
cls & exit /force
del /q /f "%temp%\Q_SO55201139.vbs" 2>nul >nul
Vbs file code
Option Explicit
Dim WshShell,StrArg0, StrArg1, StrArg2, Result
Set WshShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
StrArg0 = Chr(34) & "game_cmd_vbs.cmd" & Chr(34)
StrArg1 = Chr(34) & ":RETRY" & Chr(34)
StrArg2 = Chr(34) & ":FORCE_QUIT" & Chr(34)
Result = MsgBox("Do you want to retry?",vbyesno,"My Game")
if Result = VbNo then
WshShell.Run (StrArg0 & StrArg2),1,True
WshShell.Run (StrArg0 & StrArg1),1,True
end if
Obs.: You need add fullpath in line 5th:
Sorry my limited English!