I have one @Test
method and I am getting the Test case names from @Dataprovider
. I need to run the test cases in parallel:
public void TestExecution(String arg 1)
/* Read the testcases from dataprovider and execute it*/
public Object [][]Execution() throws IOException
return new Object[][] {{"Developer"},{"Team Lead"},{"QA"},{"Business Analyst"},{"DevOps Eng"},{"PMO"} };
If I want to run the test cases in parallel i.e if I want to execute " Developer Team lead", "QA", "Business Analyst", "DevOps Eng", "PMO" in parallel what should I do?
5 browsers - Each running different test cases.
<suite name="Smoke_Test" parallel="methods" thread-count="5">
<test verbose="2" name="Test1">
<class name="Packagename.TestName"/>
</test> <!-- Default test -->
</suite> <!-- Default suite -->
In order to run data-driven test in parallel, you need to specify parallel=true
in @DataProvider
. For instance:
@Dataprovider(name="testdataprodivder", parallel=true)
public Object [][]Execution() throws IOException
return new Object[][] {{"Developer"},{"Team Lead"},{"QA"},{"Business Analyst"},{"DevOps Eng"},{"PMO"} };
To specify thread count used by data-driven test, you can specify data-provider-thread-count
(defaults to 10). For example:
<suite name="Smoke_Test" parallel="methods" thread-count="5" data-provider-thread-count="5">
NOTE: To set parallel behavior dynamically for data driven test outside code, you can use QAF-TestNG extension where you can set behavior using global.datadriven.parallel
and <test-case>.parallel
properties for data-provider.