I have 2 Wordpress database queries, the first shows all posts + categories. The second shows all posts + custom fields.
What I'm looking for is listing all posts + categories + custom fields
Query 1: list posts + categories
(SELECT group_concat(wp_terms.name separator ", ") FROM wp_terms
INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy on wp_terms.term_id =
INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships wpr on wpr.term_taxonomy_id =
WHERE taxonomy="category" and wp_posts.ID = wpr.object_id ) AS
FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type = "post" AND post_status = "publish"
| ID | post_title | Categories |
Query 2: list posts + custom fields
SELECT ID, post_title, pm1.meta_value as "Amazon.com", pm2.meta_value
as "Amazon.co.uk" FROM wp_posts
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta pm1 ON ID = pm1.post_id AND
pm1.meta_key = "Amazon.com"
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta pm2 ON ID = pm2.post_id AND
pm2.meta_key = "Amazon.co.uk"
WHERE post_type = "post" AND post_status = "publish"
| ID | post_title | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk |
How can I combine the results so that I can list all posts + categories + custom fields?
| ID | post_title | Categories | Amazon.com | Amazon.co.uk |
Try using the following query:
SELECT ID, post_title, pm1.meta_value as "Amazon.com", pm2.meta_value as "Amazon.co.uk" ,
(SELECT group_concat(wp_terms.name separator ", ") FROM wp_terms
INNER JOIN wp_term_taxonomy on wp_terms.term_id =
INNER JOIN wp_term_relationships wpr on wpr.term_taxonomy_id =
WHERE taxonomy="category" and wp_posts.ID = wpr.object_id ) AS "Categories"
FROM wp_posts
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta pm1 ON ID = pm1.post_id AND
pm1.meta_key = "Amazon.com"
LEFT JOIN wp_postmeta pm2 ON ID = pm2.post_id AND
pm2.meta_key = "Amazon.co.uk"
WHERE post_type = "post" AND post_status = "publish"