I'm using varbinary(16) to store ips in the database like described here https://stackoverflow.com/a/24270808/5717102 .
To convert to human readable and to binary i use inet_ntop
and inet_pton
This works well, but it won't work with the where query.
MyModel::where('ip', $ip)->get();
What am I missing, shouldn't it work? I already googled, but wasn't able to find any usefull information.
Accessors and Mutators won't work with queries. So you should access it as MyModel::where('ip', inet_pton($ip))->get()
You can further just create a scope and move the logic to the model if you want to extract it out.
public function scopeWhereIp($query, $ip)
return $query->where('ip', inet_pton($ip));
and access it as