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Picker onValueChange() called twice

I want to support localization using react-18next. This component shows a Picker, sets a LocalStorage key (the selected language) and change the app language. I noticed the onValueChange method is called twice. The first call (using a proper selection tap action on a Picker item) have the correct parameter (the language I have chosen), the second call have the value of the first Picker item, whenever the values is (!).

Example: if I select the English Picker item, I see the Picker switch to English (first _changeLanguage() call), and then again to "Device" (second _changeLanguage() call). I'm sure it's an async ops problem, not sure where..

@translate(['settings', 'common'], { wait: true })
export default class Settings extends Component {
    state = {};
     constructor(props)  {
    componentWillMount() {

    async _changeLanguage(ln) {
        const { t, i18n, navigation } = this.props;
        console.warn("_changeLanguage: ",ln)
        await this.promisedSetState({lang:ln})
        if(ln=="device") {
                console.warn("removing lang setting")
                await AsyncStorage.removeItem('@App:lang');
        } else {
                console.warn("lang setting: ", ln)
                await AsyncStorage.setItem('@App:lang', ln);

    //get Language from AsyncStorage, if it has been previously set
    async getLang() {
        const value = await AsyncStorage.getItem('@App:lang');
        console.warn("getLangfrom asyncstorage:", value)
        if(value) await this.promisedSetState ({lang:value})

    promisedSetState = (newState) => {
        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            this.setState(newState, () => {
    render() {
        const { t, i18n, navigation } = this.props;
        const { navigate } = navigation;

        return (<View>
                        onValueChange={(itemValue, itemIndex) =>this._changeLanguage(itemValue) }>
                        <Picker.Item color="#666" label="detected from device" value="device" />
                        <Picker.Item label="English" value="en" />
                        <Picker.Item label="Deutsch" value="it" />


The code is based on the react-i18next Expo example


  • Searching around the react-native Picker seems bugged.

    This quickfix solved my problem