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Cmake and vcpkg - find the correct library name

I have troubles finding out the right "library target name" to be used in a cmake file, for packages installed using vcpkg.

In example, I installed the gtest package using vcpkg install gtest. My sample cmake file looks like:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
find_package(gtest REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main gtest) # here, "gtest" is not the right name! 

Running cmake, a solution for Visual Studio is generated, but after running cmake --build ., I get the error:

../use-cmake-vcpkg\main.cpp(1): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'gtest/gtest.h': No such file or directory ..

Turns out the line: target_link_libraries(main gtest) isn't correct, and I need to use another "name" to include/link the gtest package.

Is there a way (using cmake or vcpkg) to find out what is the correct target name to be used? (for gtest in this case, but also for any other pacakage?)


  • When use find_package(XXX), it can work in two modes: MODULE and CONFIG. And resulted variables and targets of this call depend on the mode.

    If FindXXX.cmake file exists (and can be found), the MODULE mode is used and given file is processed. Otherwise, if the package is shipped with XXXConfig.cmake file, CONFIG mode is used and given file is processed. If none of this file exists, CMake emits an error (if called with REQUIRED keyword) or a warning (without REQUIRED keyword).

    In case of gtest package, CMake is shipped with FindXXX.cmake script, so this script is processed in MODULE mode. You may find description of this script in the documentation, which tells that you need to use GTest::GTest target for link with gtest:

    target_link_libraries(main GTest::GTest)