I am trying to create a grid with every point pointing to another from the grid (member variable drain_), possibly itself. I wanted to use shared_ptr for this and so I would need to use a weak_ptr for drain since it can point to itself.
Problem is, this code crashes in the shared_ptr_base.h file:
// Now that __weak_count is defined we can define this constructor:
template<_Lock_policy _Lp>
__shared_count<_Lp>::__shared_count(const __weak_count<_Lp>& __r)
: _M_pi(__r._M_pi) <------ HERE <-------
if (_M_pi != nullptr)
With the stack:
std::__shared_count<(__gnu_cxx::_Lock_policy)2>::__shared_count at shared_ptr_base.h:824 0x418898
std::__shared_ptr::__shared_ptr at shared_ptr_base.h:949 0x418873
std::shared_ptr::shared_ptr() at shared_ptr.h:251 0x418845
std::enable_shared_from_this::shared_from_this() at shared_ptr.h:573 0x41881b
Node::drainInitialization() at point.cpp:43 0x417f3e
Grid::initialize() at openlem.cpp:799 0x407677
Grid::Grid() at openlem.hpp:152 0x4175dd
main() at orogen.cpp:24 0x417361
Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong? Here is my code:
int main(){
int m = 12, n = 13;
Grid grid = Grid ( m, n );
class Grid
std::vector<std::vector<NodePtr> > lattice_; // lattice of nodes
void Grid::initialize ( int m, int n ){
this->m_ = m;
this->n = n;
lattice_.reserve( m );
for ( int i = 0; i < m; ++i ){
lattice_.push_back( std::vector<NodePtr>() );
lattice_[i].reserve( n );
for ( int j = 0; j < n; ++j ){
// NodePtr test = std::make_shared<Node>( );
NodePtr test = std::shared_ptr<Node>( new Node );
lattice_[i].push_back( std::move( test ) );
printf( "%i %i \n", lattice_.size(), lattice_[0].size() );
printf( "%i %i \n", i, j );
class Node : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Node>
typedef std::shared_ptr<Node> NodePtr;
Node (); // Constructor
void drainInitialization();
~Node (); // Destructor
int i; // Coordinate
int j; // Coordinate
std::weak_ptr<Node> drain_; // flow target
Node::Node(): i(init_int), j(init_int), elevation_(init_double),
chann_el_slope_(init_double), chann_wa_slope_(init_double),
water_level_(init_double), uplift_(init_float), discharge_(init_uint),
border_(0), marker_(0){}
void Node::drainInitialization(){
drain_ = shared_from_this();
After lattice_[i].push_back( std::move( test ) )
, test
is no longer valid and is a null pointer. There is no need to move shared_ptr
, just copy it into the vector.
Alternatively you can still move into the vector but then use lattice_[i].back()->drainInitialization()
rather than test->drainInitialization()