I have a third-party maintained file with a lot of lines and it looks like:
# a comment lines
aaa.bbb.cc 423
ddd.ee.fff 452
tons.like.them 111
Is there any way to load the file to a local map and access its keys in Terraform using the syntax like?:
"${lookup(var.locals.mylist, 'ddd.ee.fff', 0)}"
It's often better to pre-process files like this using a separate program written in a general-purpose programming language, since Terraform's DSL is not well-suited for this sort of ad-hoc parsing logic.
Terraform v0.11 and earlier lack the primitives required to implement parsing like this within the language itself. The v0.12.0 release (which is in beta at the time of writing) introduces some primitives that do allow this sort of parsing to be implemented, though I would still generally prefer to do it outside of Terraform as a preprocessing step if at all possible.
With that said, here's an example of parsing a file like your example into a map using Terraform v0.12 features:
locals {
raw_lines = [
for line in split("\n", file("${path.module}/input.txt")) :
split(" ", trimspace(line))
lines = [
for line in local.raw_lines :
line if length(line[0]) > 0 && substr(line[0], 0, 1) != "#"
records = { for line in local.lines : line[0] => line[1] }
output "result" {
value = local.records
Given the following input file:
# a comment line
aaa.bbb.cc 423
ddd.ee.fff 452
tons.like.them 111
# another comment
another.record abc
This produces the following result using Terraform v0.12.0-beta1:
$ terraform apply
Apply complete! Resources: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
result = {
"aaa.bbb.cc" = "423"
"another.record" = "abc"
"ddd.ee.fff" = "452"
"tons.like.them" = "111"