Getting back to an Objective C project of mine started a while ago , which was compiling fine, I now find myself with a few issues related to Parse
pods. Searching the net I already found a few things, but still have some problems (and doubts).
First I got an error message saying that a file was not found on this line:
#import <ParseUI/ParseUI.h>
After reading a few related post, I understood that ParseUI
was deprecated and I should use Parse/UI
instead in my Podfile
, so I changed the line above to:
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
And I also changed in the Podfile
pod 'ParseUI'
pod 'Parse/UI'
I then reran:
pod install
But I now have these messages showing up:
Cannot find interface declaration for 'PFSignUpViewController', superclass of ....
No type or protocol named 'PFSignUpViewControllerDelegate'
Cannot find interface declaration for 'PFLogInViewController', superclass of ....
along the project.
And I was indeed subclassing PFSignUpViewController as well as PFLogInViewController. So where did those classes go? Deprecated, different names or what?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
After making a separate new project to check how things work, I found out that I can still use PFLogInViewController. And then looking again on the net for posts about similar issues, I tried to add this line:
@import Parse;
But I get this error:
Module 'Parse' not found
I must be doing something wrong hiding the PFLogInViewController
After making a separate small project to isolate the problem, I first hit the same issue. And with a bit more digging I ended up solving it by adding this import:
#import <PFLogInViewController.h>
after the one which was already there:
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
I hope this can help someone else having the same problem at some point.