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How to save output of SQL query fired from Osquery to a file

I have installed Osquery utility on my machine. When I fire an SQL command, it gives output to STDOUT. Is there any way to redirect that output to a file?

$ sudo osqueryi 
I0314 10:57:51.644351  3958 database.cpp:563] Checking database version for migration
I0314 10:57:51.644912  3958 database.cpp:587] Performing migration: 0 -> 1
I0314 10:57:51.645279  3958 database.cpp:619] Migration 0 -> 1 successfully completed!
I0314 10:57:51.645627  3958 database.cpp:587] Performing migration: 1 -> 2
I0314 10:57:51.646088  3958 database.cpp:619] Migration 1 -> 2 successfully completed!
Using a virtual database. Need help, type '.help'
osquery> SELECT * from memory_info;
| memory_total | memory_free | buffers  | cached   | swap_cached | active    | inactive | swap_total | swap_free |
| 513617920    | 270921728   | 15110144 | 99860480 | 0           | 145080320 | 59494400 | 0          | 0         |

I want this output in a file. I checked Osquery official documentation. But it hasn't been helpful to solve this particular problem.


  • You can use the redirection facilities of your shell:

    $ osqueryi --json 'select * from osquery_info' > res.json
    $ cat res.json

    Note that in this example we use JSON output. There are other options available: --csv, --line, --list.

    As seph explained in, it is a common use-case to schedule queries in osqueryd and push the results into a logging pipeline.