I'm fairly new to dealing with JSON data in Swift and I am trying to subclass some products. I don't mean to code dump, but I want to give you the whole picture. I have three errors that say the same thing: Errors thrown from here are not handled They occur in required init
. Thanks in advance. Here's the code:
import UIKit
class Product: Decodable {
var category: String = ""
var material: String = ""
init() {
class TelephoneWithCord: Product {
var sku: Double
var isNew: Bool
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case sku = "sku"
case isNew = "isNew"
required init(from decoder: Decoder) {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
self.sku = try container.decode(Double.self, forKey: .sku)
self.isNew = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .isNew)
let json = """
"category" : "home",
"material" : "plastic",
"sku" : 264221,
"isNew" : true
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let telephoneWithCord = try! JSONDecoder().decode(TelephoneWithCord.self, from: json)
"Errors thrown", could perhaps, be a hint on how to fix this. Add throws
to required init
. Also, don't forget to call super
for your code to be properly initialized or you will get another error. Try these changes ...
required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { // add throws to eliminate errors
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
self.sku = try container.decode(Double.self, forKey: .sku)
self.isNew = try container.decode(Bool.self, forKey: .isNew)
try super.init(from: decoder) // calling super for proper intialization of code
As a side note: If you are not using any decimal points in your sku's, then you should change the type to Int
instead of Double