Error BC31030 Conditional compilation constant '; ^^ ^^ EXCLUDE_CODEGEN' is not valid: Identifier expected. GpsHost C:\Projects\GpsTrackSolution\GpsHost\vbc 1 N/A
I am getting the above error when I try and build a VB.NET win forms app. I refactored it a little, updated to framework 4.7.2 and now I am getting this.
There is NO reference in ANY vbproj for that string of characters, either partial or full. I've done a find in file contents across the entire solution and cannot find that anywhere. Almost at my wit's end as to what could be doing this.
This was unrelated to VB, it was actually due to Orleans code generation trying to insert constants. Orleans isn't really designed to work with VB, so I switched to runtime codegen, instead of build time, and it worked.