My android app currently contains 18 translations for 170 different strings ranging from 6/170 translated to 170/170 translated.
For a non-english speaking app users it makes no sense to tell that the app is available in language xx if in fact only 3% of the strings are really translated.
My question: Is it possible to tell android-studio or gradle that i donot want language xx be included in the final apk without deleting the existing translations in the sourcetree?
i want to exclude the languages that are less than 65% translated
See also
I found a way to explicitly tell which locales to support so i have to list the languages that i consider to be complete enough
// this does not include de=german so german is excluded from apk
android {
defaultConfig {
resConfigs "ar","es","fr","hi","in","it","ja","nl","pl","ro","ru","tr","uk","zz","pt-rBR","zh-rCN","zh-rTW"
Unfortunately the answer from How to exclude certain files from Android Studio gradle builds? did not work:
// no error but german resources are not excluded :-(
android {
sourceSets.main.res.filter.exclude '**/res/values-de/**'