Im trying to save struct array into UserDefaults and I cant figure out why JsonEncoder return empty data. I have setup model that conforms Codable protocol
struct MenuItem : Codable{
let name : String?
let icon : String?
init(name : String?, icon : String?){ = name
self.icon = icon
and also created Defaults manager for saving it into user defaults.
class DefaultsManager {
static let shared = DefaultsManager()
var items: [MenuItem]{
if let json = "key"){
return decodeFromJson(jsonData: json)
} else {
return []
let json = codeToJson(data: items)
UserDefaults.standard.set(json, forKey: "key")
fileprivate func codeToJson<T:Codable>(data: Array<T>) -> Data?{
do {
return try JSONEncoder().encode(data)
} catch {
return nil
fileprivate func decodeFromJson<T:Codable>(jsonData: Data) -> [T]{
do {
return try JSONDecoder().decode(Array<T>.self, from: jsonData)
} catch {
return []
but whatever I do JsonEncoder returns empty data.. I tried to google but without success.
That's a very common mistake.
In a setter of a computed property the new value is represented by the implicit newValue
variable, it's not the property itself.
set {
let json = codeToJson(data: newValue)
UserDefaults.standard.set(json, forKey: "key")