I have in a list of points two different curves (y1, y2) and I want to find the area between the curves when:
I have found this post, but it only calculates the sum of both areas.
If we plot what I want, I want separately the blue area and the red area.
Edit: I noticed in hindsight, that this solution is not exact and there are probably cases where it doesn't work at all. As long as there is no other better answer I will leave this here.
You can use
diff = y1 - y2 # calculate difference
posPart = np.maximum(diff, 0) # only keep positive part, set other values to zero
negPart = -np.minimum(diff, 0) # only keep negative part, set other values to zero
to seperate the blue from the red part. Then calculate their areas with np.trapz
posArea = np.trapz(posPart)
negArea = np.trapz(negPart)