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EXEC sp_executesql - capture RETURN value and OUTPUT value from stored procedure call

Given a simple stored procedure, that populates a OUTPUT parameter and also RETURNs a value, such as:

    @param_out INT OUTPUT
    SELECT @param_out = 9
    RETURN 2

How can I call this procedure using sp_executesql and capture both of these values?

I've tried:

DECLARE @ret INT, @param_out INT
EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL N'EXEC @ret = sp_test',
    N'@ret INT OUTPUT, @param_out INT OUTPUT',
    @ret OUTPUT,
    @param_out OUTPUT

SELECT @ret, @param_out

However this complains that @param_out was not supplied:

Procedure or function 'sp_test' expects parameter '@param_out', which was not supplied.


  • You would need to pass both values as OUTPUT parameters to sp_executesql as well:

    DECLARE @ret int,
            @param_out int;
    EXEC sp_executesql N'EXEC @ret = sp_test @param_out OUT;',
                       N'@ret INT OUTPUT, @param_out INT OUTPUT',
                       @ret OUTPUT,
                       @param_out OUTPUT;
    SELECT @ret,

    I must ask though, why do you want to do this? There's nothing dynamic about this SQL, so why are you using sp_executesql? I also advise against using the return value of an SP; you should really be using another OUTPUT parameter.