iwant use pyquery to do this.
for example:
html='<div>arya stark<img src="1111"/>ahahah<img src="2222"/></div>'
i want to modify the html to
<div>arya stark<img src="aaaa"/>ahahah<img src="bbbb"/></div>
in other words, just need change img element's src attribute, and get the modified html.
any ideas?or any other method?
Since PyQuery is meant you mirror jQuery, perhaps this question would be relevant. Long story short, use the attr()
>>> html='<div>arya stark<img src="1111"/>ahahah<img src="2222"/></div>'
>>> a=PyQuery(html)
>>> a.outerHtml()
'<div>arya stark<img src="1111">ahahah<img src="2222"></div>'
>>> for img in a('img'):
... PyQuery(img).attr('src', "whatever")
>>> a.outerHtml()
'<div>arya stark<img src="whatever">ahahah<img src="whatever"></div>'