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Ember-simple-auth and ember-fetch no authorization in fetch query

I am using ember with ember-simple-auth(1.7.0) for authentication. Here is the application adapter function :

authorize(xhr) {
    let { email, token } = this.get('');
    let authData = `Token token="${token}", email="${email}"`;
    xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', authData);

When I use ember-fetch(5.1.3) there is no header for authentication :

fetch('/appname/v1/user/count'+count_params).then((response)=>{return response.json()})

The same model do successful emberDS query with the auth info in the header. How can I add the information to the fetch headers ?


This is the service I created to wrap fetch :

import Service from '@ember/service';
import fetch from 'fetch';
import { inject as service} from "@ember/service"

export default Service.extend({
    let { email, token } = this.get('')
    let authData = `Token token="${token}", email="${email}"`
    return fetch(url,{headers: {'Authorization': authData}}).then(
      (response)=>{return response.json()}
  session: service()


  • You need to create fetch wrapper service and use it, instead of "raw" fetch and boilerplating.

    Raw usage possible with headers -