I'd like to compute the area under the Kaplan-Meier curve for a interval time. I know I can compute the area under the curve from 0 to t, aka the restricted mean survival time with the print.survfit
km <- survfit(Surv(futime, fustat) ~ 1, data = ovarian)
print(km, rmean = 600)
But, what I'd like is the area under the Kaplan-Meier curve for a time interval, e.g. from t1 to t2. Is there a way to left truncate the computations of the area under the Kaplan Meier curve ? Any suggestion will be welcomed !
Actually, I eventually figured out how to compute the variance of the AUC between t1 and t2 thanks to the surv2sample
of the surv2sampleComp
package. It does so by resampling.
# we need a group variable to use the surv2sample function
veteran$group <- as.numeric(veteran$karno < 70)
rmst <- surv2sample(veteran$time, veteran$status, veteran$group, npert = 500, tau_start= 100, tau = 200)
Est. Lower 95% Upper 95% SE
RMST 43.4025761 32.1207404 55.8039197 6.15988181
# results truncated