I have an include that can have >1 buttons depending on what is passed in.
Currently I have the following in the include:
{% if include.buttons %}
{% for button in include.buttons %}
<a class="{{ button.classes }}" href="{{ button.url }}">{{ button.title }}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Then I am trying to pass in the following data:
{% assign buttons = '[{ "title": "button 1", "url": "https://#", "classes": "btn btn-transparent" }, { "title": "button 2", "url": "https://#", "classes": "btn btn-primary" }]' %}
{% include header.html
What I can't work out is how to pass the data correctly to the include so that I may loop through it.
The problem is the assignment of the data as a array. In liquid you can not directly initialize arrays. A workaround is to play with split.
However, using jekyll you can provide arrays via data files. Simply put your buttons in a file, say _data\buttons.yml
- button1:
- title: "button 1"
- url: "https://#"
- classes: "btn btn-transparent"
- button2:
- title: "button 2"
- url: "https://#"
- classes: "btn btn-primary"
Now you could put a reference in the yaml-header of your post/page like:
your other yaml options....
buttons: postXX
Finally, assign the buttons and include them as you did in your code.
{% assign buttons = site.data.buttons[page.buttons] %}
{% include header.html