Hi there guys I'm trying to install CGAL4.13. When I use cmake to create CGAL.sln file the configuration says is done, and I do generated afterwards. However I do see that it says that I'm missing a couple of stuff:
1)Qt5OpenGL Qt5Svg Qt5 cannot be configured
However cmake does generate the CGAL.sln, I do build them and they don't give any errors. But when I try to run them, I have the following message:
Unable to start program: C:\dev\CGAL-4.13\build\Debug\ALL_BUILD can't be found.I seach for that path and is empty, I can't find the .exe file anywhere. I don't know why is not creating it since when I build it doesn't show any errors.
I followed this way of installing: https://www.cgal.org/download/windows.html . I've tried everything I still have the same error. Can you please help?
Thank you for your time.
ALL_BUILD is not an executable target. Just right clic on a demo, test or example in your solution and execute it, don't run the default target in MSVC.