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Make bot send message every day at specific time

I am building a bot with Bot Framework, that is supposed to run in MS Teams and I want it to send me a message every day at 6:30 in the morning.

I have a method that is called every day at 6:30 inside the Program file. And I have a method that sends a message from the bot.

This is the code for my timer:

private static Timer _timer;

    private static int count = 1;

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        //Initialization of _timer   
        _timer = new Timer(x => { callTimerMethod(); }, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);


    /// <summary>  
    /// This method will execute every day at 06:30.   
    /// </summary>  
    public static void callTimerMethod()
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Method is called"));
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write(DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"));
        count = count + 1;

    /// <summary>  
    /// This method will set the timer execution time and will change the   
    /// tick time of timer.
    /// </summary>  
    private static void Setup_Timer()
        DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
        DateTime timerRunningTime = new DateTime(currentTime.Year, currentTime.Month, currentTime.Day, 6, 30, 0);
        timerRunningTime = timerRunningTime.AddDays(1);

        double tickTime = (double)(timerRunningTime - DateTime.Now).TotalSeconds;


And what i want to archive is that I want to change the content of callTimerMethod() to this method:

public async Task AlertSubscribers(ITurnContext turncontext, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
        using (var db = new DataBaseContext())
            var msg = "";
            var today = DateTime.Today.ToString("dddd");
            var product = db linq code;

            foreach(var prod in product)
                msg = $"Reminder! {prod.bla}";

            // Get the conversation state from the turn context.
            var state = await _accessors.CounterState.GetAsync(turncontext, () => new CounterState());

            // Set the property using the accessor.
            await _accessors.CounterState.SetAsync(turncontext, state);

            // Save the new turn count into the conversation state.
            await _accessors.ConversationState.SaveChangesAsync(turncontext);

            // Echo back to the user whatever msg is.
            await turncontext.SendActivityAsync(msg);

But I can't find a way to archive it... Would really appreciate some help, I have searched around a lot but havent found a similar problem.

The problem is all the namespaces (for an example ITurncontext, Conversationstate, and so on...)

Hope that describes my problem...

Thanks in advance!


It doesn't nessessarly need to be the AlertSubscribers() method, but a function och just code that does the similar thing.

I have tried this code but i cant get it to make the bot send a message to the user(in this case me in the Emulator):

public static void callTimerMethod()
        IMessageActivity message = Activity.CreateMessageActivity();

        message.Text = "Hello!";
        message.TextFormat = "plain";
        message.Locale = "en-Us";
        message.ChannelId = "emulator";
        message.Id = "A guid";
        message.InputHint = "acceptingInput";
        message.LocalTimestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now;
        message.ReplyToId = "A guid";
        message.ServiceUrl = "http://localhost:50265";
        message.Timestamp = DateTimeOffset.Now;
        message.Type = "ConversationUpdate";


I am new to Bot framework so my code and my thaughts may be wrong...


  • Solved it!

    public static async void callTimerMethod()
        await ConversationStarter.Resume("conversationId", "emulator");

    I had to change the callTimerMethod() to an async method and create a ConversationStarter class that handles the message for me.

    This is ConversationStarter :

    public class ConversationStarter
        public static string fromId;
        public static string fromName;
        public static string toId;
        public static string toName;
        public static string serviceUrl;
        public static string channelId;
        public static string conversationId;
        public static async Task Resume(string conversationId, string channelId)
            conversationId = await Talk(conversationId, channelId, $"Hi there!");
            conversationId = await Talk(conversationId, channelId, $"This is a notification!");
        private static async Task<string> Talk(string conversationId, string channelId, string msg)
            var userAccount = new ChannelAccount(toId, toName);
            var botAccount = new ChannelAccount(fromId, fromName);
            var connector = new ConnectorClient(new Uri(serviceUrl));
            IMessageActivity message = Activity.CreateMessageActivity();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conversationId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(channelId))
                message.ChannelId = channelId;
                conversationId = (await connector.Conversations.CreateDirectConversationAsync(botAccount, userAccount)).Id;
            message.From = botAccount;
            message.Recipient = userAccount;
            message.Conversation = new ConversationAccount(id: conversationId);
            message.Text = msg;
            message.Locale = "en-Us";
            await connector.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync((Activity)message);
            return conversationId;