i'm trying to make my first steps with yocto. While using psplash i can see the yocto-splashscreen only while shutting down the system. Not while the system is booting up.
For this i'm using a Ubuntu 18.10 in a Virtual Box (oracle). I build the image with this commans:
~$ sudo apt-get install git python chrpath g++ gawk gcc make texinfo
~$ git clone -b sumo git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky
~$ cd poky/
~/poky$ source oe-init-build-env
~/poky/build$ nano /conf/local.conf
insert at the end of file:
IMAGE_INSTALL_append = “ psplash”
INHERIT_remove = “uninative”
build with:
~/poky/build$ bitbake core-image-minimal
run the image with:
runqemu qemux86
While booting up i noticed the following two messages:
framebuffer /dev/fb0 not detected
Boot splashscreen disabled
I found this question: yocto splash screen not appearing
I already try to add IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " psplash"
in the local.conf
but no effect.
Do you have some ideas?
I just had the same problem. Apparently yocto would create a file /etc/rc.d/S00psplash.sh . S00 means this is executed right at the beginning of the boot process, before the required graphics drivers are loaded. I changed it to S40 and it worked. Not sure yet how to fix this inside yocto. You might also need to add to your local.conf:
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " directfb" # (not sure whether this is really required)
IMAGE_FEATURES_append = " splash" # (this might already be enabled for your image)
If it does not work please report back
Best regards ~