I have a django url:
path('question/<slug:question_slug>/add_vote/', views.AddVoteQuestionView.as_view())
It work fine with english slug but when slug is persian something like this:
django url throw 404 Not Found
, is there any solution to catch this perisan slug url?
I'm using django 2.1.5.
It work fine with this url:
re_path(r'question/(?P<question_slug>[\w-]+)/add_vote/$', views.AddVoteQuestionView.as_view())
This is an addition to Selcuk answer given here
to pass such language/unicode characters you have to
If we look into the source code of Django, the slug
path converter uses this regex,
which is inefficent here (see Selcuk's answer).
So, Write your own custom slug converter , as below
from django.urls.converters import SlugConverter
class CustomSlugConverter(SlugConverter):
regex = '[-\w]+' # new regex pattern
Then register it,
from django.urls import path, register_converter
register_converter(CustomSlugConverter, 'custom_slug')
urlpatterns = [
path('question/<custom_slug:question_slug>/add_vote/', views.AddVoteQuestionView.as_view()),
You've already tried and succeeded with this method. Anyway, I'm c&p it here :)
from django.urls import re_path
urlpatterns = [
re_path(r'question/(?P<question_slug>[\w-]+)/add_vote/$', views.AddVoteQuestionView.as_view()),