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IWindowManager - call setOverscan via reflection

I'm running a device with android pie and want to programmatically change the overscan from within my app. Therefore I've done following:

  • granted my app WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS via adb


The code here let's me believe, that there should be a setOverscan method inside the IWindowManager$Stub but there isn't. Am I doing something wrong or is it just not possible to do what I want to do the way I try to do it?

My code shows that hasNavigationBar is working, but the setOverscanMode method isn't and fails with java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.view.IWindowManager$Stub$Proxy.setOverscan [int, int, int, int, int]


object WindowTool {

    // WindowManager source code:

    fun getWindowManagerService(): Any {
        val serviceManager = Class.forName("android.os.ServiceManager")
        val serviceBinder = serviceManager.getMethod("getService",, Context.WINDOW_SERVICE) as IBinder
        val stub = Class.forName("android.view.IWindowManager\$Stub")
        return stub.getMethod("asInterface",, serviceBinder)

    fun setOverscanMode(v1: Int, v2: Int, v3: Int, v4: Int): Boolean {
        try {

            val windowManagerService = getWindowManagerService()
            for (m in windowManagerService.javaClass.methods) {
                L.d { "Method: $m" }
            val setOverscan = windowManagerService.javaClass.getMethod("setOverscan", Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE)
            setOverscan.invoke(windowManagerService, 0, v1, v2, v3, v4)
            return true
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            return false


    fun hasNavigationBar(): Boolean? {
        try {
            val windowManagerService = getWindowManagerService()
            val hasNavigationBar = windowManagerService.javaClass.getMethod("hasNavigationBar")
            val res = hasNavigationBar.invoke(windowManagerService) as Boolean
            L.d { "hasNavigationBar: $res" }
            return res
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            return null



  • The code here let's me believe, that there should be a setOverscan method inside the IWindowManager$Stub but there isn't. Am I doing something wrong or is it just not possible to do what I want to do the way I try to do it?

    Calling getMethod won't work in this case. See the following code to get and invoke the setOverscan method:

    object WindowManagerHackery {
        fun setOverscan(displayId: Int = Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, left: Int = 0, top: Int = 0, right: Int = 0, bottom: Int = 0) {
            try {
                val ServiceManager = Class.forName("android.os.ServiceManager")
                val service = ServiceManager.getMethod("getService",
                val binder = service.invoke(null, "window") as IBinder
                val windowManagerStub = Class.forName("android.view.IWindowManager").classes[0]
                val serviceObj = windowManagerStub.getMethod("asInterface",, binder)
                windowManagerStub.methods.first { == "setOverscan" }
                        .invoke(serviceObj, displayId, left, top, right, bottom)
            } catch (e: Exception) {
                throw OverscanInvocationError(e)
        class OverscanInvocationError(e: Exception) : Exception(e)


    WindowManagerHackery.setOverscan(bottom = overscanOffset)

    You will need android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS. I would also check out for support on API 28 but I'm not sure if Google Play has a policy against including this library in an APK if you plan on publishing on the market.