Search code examples

Getting max and latest rows in SQL

I have a table containing Orders, where in the same day multiple orders can be created for a given Name. I need to return the latest Order for a given date and name, and if there are multiple orders on that day for a name, return the one with the largest order value.

Sample data:

  ID  | NAME |  OrderDate   |   OrderValue
  1   | A    | 2019-01-15   |   100
  2   | B    | 2019-01-15   |   200
  3   | A    | 2019-01-15   |   150
  4   | C    | 2019-01-17   |   450
  5   | D    | 2019-01-18   |   300
  6   | C    | 2019-01-17   |   500

Result returned should be:

  ID  | NAME |  OrderDate   |   OrderValue
  2   | B    | 2019-01-15   |   200
  3   | A    | 2019-01-15   |   150
  5   | D    | 2019-01-18   |   300
  6   | C    | 2019-01-17   |   500

I can do this in multiple SQL queries, but is there a simplistic query to achieve the above result?


  • Starting SQL Server 2005, just use ROW_NUMBER():

    SELECT ID, Name, OrderDate, OrderValue
    FROM (
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Name, OrderDate ORDER BY OrderValue DESC) rn
        FROM orders o
    ) x WHERE rn = 1

    ROW_NUMBER() assigns a rank to each record within groups of records having the same Name and OrderDate, sorted by OrderValue. The record with the highest order value gets row number 1.

    With older versions, a solution to filter the table is to use a correlated subquery with a NOT EXITS condition :

    SELECT ID, Name, OrderDate, OrderValue
    FROM orders o
        SELECT 1 
        FROM orders o1
            o1.Name = o.Name 
            AND o1.OrderDate = o.OrderDate 
            AND o1.OrderValue > o.OrderValue

    The NOT EXISTS condition ensures that there is no other record with a highest OrderValue for the same Name and OrderDate.