In my android application I want to let users to authenticate with google or facebook account.
I've implemented sign-in with google already. I'll try to implement sign-in with facebook soon.
I've read about IAP in android:
at least what I understand it is about google account authentication.
So I wonder is it possible to make IAP in android application if the user is authenticated with facebook account ?
I cant find examples or explanations by now. Any good examples/explanations about IAP with google is also very appreciated because I still don't have a clear vision on IAP.
fyi: In my app user will be able to buy "virtual tickets pack" (e.g.: 10, 15, 20 tickets) and to add them to their profile. and later they will "consume" tickets one by one.
Best Regards
My understanding is that you already have a user system that you are using to provide a Google login to your customers. When you add Facebook login, you'll probably want to match both Google and Facebook logins with your own custom user ID. It's always a good idea to have a custom ID of your own so that you can map it to different types of logins.
When purchasing through Google Play Billing, the purchase gets associated with the user's phone Google account and you can also provide an optional way of associating a purchase with your own user account system. In order to do that, when building the BillingFlowParams, call setAccountId
and pass your account's system custom ID.
To provide the best experience persisting purchases during installs or across devices you should also be saving the purchases on your server's database. In order to do that in a secure manner, you will also have to implement server-side receipt validation. If you want to avoid most of these headaches, I recommend you to use a service like RevenueCat.