I have a multitenant-Rails app with multiple delayed_job workers.
In order to avoid overlapping tenant-specific work, I would like to separate the workers from each other in such a way that each one works on only one tenant-specific task at a time.
I thought about using the (named) queue column and add "tenant_1", "tenant_2" and so on. Unfortunately the queues have to be named during configuration, so this principle is not flexible enough for many tenants.
Is there a way to customize the way delayed_job picks the next task? Is there another way to define a scope?
Your best bet is probably to spin a custom solution that implements a distributed lock - essentially, the workers all run normally and pull from the usual queues, but before performing work check with another system (Redis, RDBMS, API, whatever) to verify that no other worker is yet performing a job for that tenant. If that tenant is not being worked, then set the lock for the tenant in question and work the job. If the tenant is locked, don't perform the work. It's your call on a lot of the implementation details like whether to move on to try another job, re-enqueue the job at the back of the queue, whether to consider it a failure and bind it to your retry limits, or do something else entirely. This is pretty open-ended, so I'll leave the details to you, but here are some tips:
hooks: https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job/#hooks - they may be an appropriate and/or useful toolSeriously consider not doing this; is it really strictly required for the system to operate properly? If so, it's probably indicative in an underlying flaw in your data model or how you've structured transformations around that data. Strive for ACIDity in your application when thinking about operations on the data and you can avoid a lot of these problems. There's a reason it's not a commonly available "out of the box" feature on background job runners. If there is an underlying flaw, it won't just bite you on this problem but on something else - guaranteed!