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Pass Gitlab Secrets to docker build in CI

I'm currently looking for a way to define ENV variables in CI with Gitlab Secrets so I can override defaults values at build time when I need to deploy my containers.

From what I could find, there is no such way if I don't specify the -e in the build command. However, this is not very practical for a certain number of arguments.

My current commands are currently looking like this :

# In .gitlab-ci
docker build -t $CI_REGISTRY/$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/production:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} -f .docker/production/Dockerfile .

# In Dockerfile
ENV MAILER_URL=${MAILER_URL:-"null://localhost"}

I know I could just use build args, but I have a good number of settings and I would like to avoid putting them in CI


  • As of today there is no direct way to read from file during the build process however you can add all of your arguments to a file then use bash to construct the build command.

    1. In Dockerfile you can have the following:
    # In Dockerfile
    ARG MAILER_URL http://localhost

    This means that by default the value of MAILER_URL will be http://localhost but you can override it during the build by using --build-arg

    2- Export Gitlab CI variables to file e.g (arguments.txt) in before_script or any other section that works better:

    echo "MAILER_URL=$CI_MAILER_URL" >> arguments.txt
    # echo other variables to arguments.txt

    3- Read arguments.txt and save it in a variable then pass it to docker build

    export BUILD_ARGS=$(for arg in $(cat arguments.txt); do echo "--build-arg $arg ";done | tr -d '\n');
    docker build -t $CI_REGISTRY/$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE/$CI_PROJECT_NAME/production:${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG} $BUILD_ARGS -f .docker/production/Dockerfile .

    For more details you can check Set build-time variables (--build-arg) in Docker and ARG usage in Dockerfile

    Also you need to consider that variables like MAILER_URL or MAILER_PASSWORD from a security standpoint you should pass them when you deploy only and also to be able to deploy your image to multiple environment.

    You can take a look at The Twelve Factor App: Config section:

    Env vars are easy to change between deploys without changing any code;