I recently installed Turbo C++ from the official page, and installed it. But after running it, I found that it was missing many header files (like iostream, iomanip, graphics, conio, etc..). The only header files available were stdio.h and math.h. I want the other header files, because I am trying for creating a project of structure of an atom using graphics, and I need other headers too for I/O operations.
From where can I get these header files? Please help.
Turbo C++ is a compiler/IDE for Borland C++, a dialect of pre-standard C++.
After ISO C++98 ... well, a lot of stuff happened over the intervening two decades.
What you want is one of the modern compilers compliant with at least ISO C++98, but preferably ISO C++11 or ISO C++14.
In a short, not fully inclusive list: Microsoft Visual Compiler (MSVC), Intel C++ Compiler (ICC), Gnu Compiler Collection (GCC), and LLVM Clang ones I can think of off the top of my head.
There's a number of IDEs, but Eclipse, Code::Blocks, and Visual Studio Code are reasonably popular, and, probably importantly, free.