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Converting JSON code of Facebook's Generic Template to C# in Bot framework

I am having a hard time converting this generic template of facebook to C#. I am not sure if i converted it right. Below is the code i tried but is not rendering on messenger. Thank you.

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
            "subtitle":"We have the right hat for everyone.",
            "default_action": {
              "type": "web_url",
              "url": "",
              "webview_height_ratio": "tall",
                "title":"View Website"
                "title":"Start Chatting",

This is what i tried in c# but it is not working. I am not sure if i converted it the proper way. Any help would be appreciated thank you.

   Activity previewReply = stepContext.Context.Activity.CreateReply();

            previewReply.ChannelData = JObject.FromObject(
                attachment = new
                    type = "template",
                    payload = new
                        template_type = "generic",
                        elements = new
                            title = "title",
                            subtitle = "subtitle",
                            image_url = "",
                            buttons = new object[]
                                    type = "element_share,",
                                    share_contents = new
                                        attachment = new
                                            type = "template",
                                            payload = new
                                                template_type = "generic",
                                                elements = new
                                                        title = "x",
                                                        subtitle = "xx",
                                                        image_url = "",
                                                        default_action = new
                                                             type = "web_url",
                                                             url = "",
                                                        buttons = new
                                                              type = "web_url",
                                                              url = "",
                                                              title = "Take Quiz",

            await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(previewReply);


  • The elements and buttons attributes need to be lists. Take a look at the example template below.

    var attachment = new
        type = "template",
        payload = new
            template_type = "generic",
            elements = new []
                new {
                    title = "title",
                    image_url = "",
                    subtitle = "subtitle",
                    buttons = new object[]
                        new {
                            type = "element_share",
                            share_contents = new {
                                attachment = new {
                                    type = "template",
                                    payload = new
                                        template_type = "generic",
                                        elements = new []
                                            new {
                                                title = "title 2",
                                                image_url = "",
                                                subtitle = "subtitle 2",
                                                buttons = new object[]
                                                    new {
                                                        type = "web_url",
                                                        url = "",
                                                        title = "Take Quiz"
    reply.ChannelData = JObject.FromObject(new { attachment });

    Note, you only need to add a share_contents element to your template if your main template is different from the template you are trying to share. Otherwise, your button can just be new { type = "element_share" }, which makes the template far less complex.

    Also, be sure to Whitelist all of your URLs and make sure all of the image URLs work properly - a couple of them weren't working properly. The template won't render if the URLs aren't Whitelisted and image links are broken.

    Hope this helps!