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How to Write this Crystal Report formula in SSRS Expression?

I am Having Problem to Convert this Crystal Report formula in SSRS Expression Can Anyone Help me?

Formula 1:

Dim fromExDay as String
Dim toExDay as String
Dim sYr as String
Dim sMonth as String
Dim sDay as String

fromExDay = ToText({wk_TORIO0460_a.HktrExchngDayFrom})
fromExDay = Replace (fromExDay, ",", "" )
fromExDay = Replace (fromExDay, ".", "" )

toExDay = ToText({wk_TORIO0460_a.HktrExchngDayTo})
toExDay = Replace (toExDay, ",", "" )
toExDay = Replace (toExDay, ".", "" )
if Len (Trim(fromExDay)) > 0 and Len (Trim(toExDay)) > 0 then
    sYr = Right(Left(fromExDay, 4),2)
    if sYr <> "99" then
        sYr = LEFT(CStr(CDbl(sYr) + 12),2)
    end if
    sMonth = Mid(fromExDay, 5, 2)
    sDay = Left(Right(fromExDay, 4),2)
    'fromExDay = sYr + sMonth + sDay    
    fromExDay = sYr + sMonth + sDay
    sYr = Right(Left(toExDay, 4),2)
    if sYr <> "99" then
        sYr = LEFT(CStr(CDbl(sYr) + 12),2)
    end if
    sMonth = Mid(toExDay, 5, 2)
    sDay = Left(Right(toExDay, 4),2)
    toExDay = sYr + sMonth + sDay    
    'toExDay = Right(fromExDay, 2)
    Formula = fromExDay + " ~ " + toExDay    
    Formula = ""
End If

Value of ExchangeFrom and ExchangeTO is coming from Database . ExchangeFrom value = 20031031 ExchangeTo value = 200 Is There in Database


  • Is the return value supposed to be

    151010 ~ 1220

    There actually weren't many changes needed to convert it to an SSRS VB function. In SSRS, the function doesn't work directly with the field so you need to pass them to the function as parameters. Most of the rest of the VB in your old function should work the same in SSRS - I just removed the ToText functions that aren't in SSRS.

    When you call the function from your text box, you pass the fields.

    =code.Formula1(Fields!HktrExchngDayFrom.Value, Fields!HktrExchngDayTo.Value)

    And here's the function:

    Public Function Formula1(ByVal fromExDay as String, ByVal toExDay as String) as String
    Dim sYr as String
    Dim sMonth as String
    Dim sDay as String
    fromExDay = Replace (fromExDay, ",", "" )
    fromExDay = Replace (fromExDay, ".", "" )
    toExDay = Replace (toExDay, ",", "" )
    toExDay = Replace (toExDay, ".", "" )
    if Len (Trim(fromExDay)) > 0 and Len (Trim(toExDay)) > 0 then
        sYr = Right(Left(fromExDay, 4),2)
        if sYr <> "99" then
            sYr = LEFT(CStr(CDbl(sYr) + 12), 2)
        end if
        sMonth = Mid(fromExDay, 5, 2)
        sDay = Left(Right(fromExDay, 4), 2) 
        fromExDay = sYr + sMonth + sDay
        sYr = Right(Left(toExDay, 4), 2)
        if sYr <> "99" then
            sYr = LEFT(CStr(CDbl(sYr) + 12), 2)
        end if
        sMonth = Mid(toExDay, 5, 2)
        sDay = Left(Right(toExDay, 4), 2)
        toExDay = sYr + sMonth + sDay 
        Formula1 = fromExDay + " ~ " + toExDay    
        Formula1 = ""
    End If
    End Function 

    I think the sDay calculations are incorrect.

    sDay = Left(Right(fromExDay, 4),2)      

    Seems to be getting the month again. It should probably be

    sDay = Right(fromExDay, 2)

    or, if it can be a longer string use MID:

    sDay = Mid(fromExDay, 7, 2)

    Which changes the result to:

    151031 ~ 12