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SSRS - hh:mm:ss tt showing as "hh:mm:ss tt" and not an actual time

still very new to reports and all, currently trying to modify the time format for a report and I'd like it to appear as (ex.) 02:30:05 PM rather than the current/default 14:30:05.

Here's what I have so far:

="between the hours of " & Format(Parameters!StartTime.Value, "hh:mm:ss tt") & " and " & Format(Parameters!EndTime.Value, "hh:mm:ss tt") & " (" & Parameters!TimeZone.Label & ")"

The problem is that running the report it comes up as "between the hours of hh:mm:ss tt and hh:mm:ss tt" instead of "between the hours of 02:30:05 PM and 03:30:05 PM".

Any ideas as to why that might be? Thank you!


  • It appears that the data type for your parameter is causing this. You most likely currently have it set to Text. In the Parameter Properties, change it to Date/Time. This will allow the Format function to interpret it as a date and time instead of a string.

    Alternatively, you can cast the parameter value as a date in the expression like this:

    Format(CDate(Parameters!StartTime.Value), "hh:mm:ss tt")