I've got a client who has a very late invoice and has promised to mail me a check, but they need a new Ad Hoc build of the app because the provisioning profile has expired. I'd like to do a new build but set a shorter expiration limit for the Ad Hoc provisioning profile or be able to revoke the profile if they don't pay.
Is it possible to get the Ad Hoc provisioning profile to expire sooner than the 90 day default, or alternatively, does revoking the provisioning profile disable the Ad Hoc build?
What about inserting a call to your server as a second authentication...have a file with "yes", and if it stays "yes" the app will run the life of the provisioning profile. If you change it to "no" (or anything non-'yes') due to non-payment, push some modal view without a dismiss ability. (BUT, I would consider flipping the yes/no depending on the other features of the app...for instance, if they went to airplane mode, so couldn't actually get to the yes, it'd display the block, so you might want to make it only display the block if it CAN get 'no'...so they'd be able to defeat it if they went to airplane, but maybe that would disable other parts of the app...so it'd be a call for you to make based on the function of the app.
(and then remove this function on subsequent builds post-payment)