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git completion runs cTest

I am in a weird situation under Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (using bash) :

I installed git via apt-get and everything works fine. However, when I want to autocomplete commands via git (I did not do anything for this to work, it is just a reflex to hit tab all the time), cTest starts.

It is strange as hell and I don't get how this can happen. Of course, cTest finds nothing and tells me that "No tests were found !!!".

Does anyone has an idea about how to fix this ?


  • Finally found a related post answering my question. In short, the git version coming with ubuntu, starting from version 12.10, actually contains and/or calls a test function. Having a test alias in the .bashrc file redirects the call to that alias.

    However, the reason why hitting Tab while writing a git command triggered any kind of test function remains unknown.