Our company pays commissions based on the discount given on a line by line basis. I am trying to show this commission amount on the invoice copy we send to the sales rep.
I am using Odoo studio in v12.0 and created a field x_studio_field_dakHb labeled "Commission Amount" that appears in account.invoice.line model.
I have checked the "Readonly" and "Stored" boxes. In "Dependencies" field I have "discount, price_subtotal".
In the "Advanced Properties" section I have:
def compute_commission_amount(self):
for record in self:
if (discount >= 55.0):
x_studio_field_dakHb = (price_subtotal * .05)
elif (discount >= 45.0):
x_studio_field_dakHb = (price_subtotal * .10)
elif (discount >= 30.0):
x_studio_field_dakHb = (price_subtotal * .15)
elif (discount >= 25.0):
x_studio_field_dakHb = (price_subtotal * .20)
elif (discount >= 0.0):
x_studio_field_dakHb = (price_subtotal * .25)
I am not getting any errors, but the field is not not calculating as I anticipated.
An example of what I am expecting would be as follows:
Is there something I am missing in my code to get it to calculate properly?
You have to use record
to assign your values. On a field you will find following hint on compute methods:
The field Compute is the Python code to compute the value of the field on a set of records. The value of the field must be assigned to each record with a dictionary-like assignment.
for record in self: record['size'] = len(record.name)
So your code should be like:
def compute_commission_amount(self):
for record in self:
if (record.discount >= 55.0):
record['x_studio_field_dakHb'] = (record.price_subtotal * .05)
elif (record.discount >= 45.0):
record['x_studio_field_dakHb'] = (record.price_subtotal * .10)
elif (record.discount >= 30.0):
record['x_studio_field_dakHb'] = (record.price_subtotal * .15)
elif (record.discount >= 25.0):
record['x_studio_field_dakHb'] = (record.price_subtotal * .20)
elif (record.discount >= 0.0):
record['x_studio_field_dakHb'] = (record.price_subtotal * .25)
Edit: and there was another mistake for price_subtotal
which should be get from record
Edit2: and the same with discount