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Parametrised Modelica library and possibility to use models as parameters

I try to make a parametrised library. I works fine using packages and connectors as parameters.

Using a model as a parameter is also possible. However, if the model is used in the library to build new models using extend, then it is not allowed, what I understand.

I wonder if the library contains a model with inner/outer style of connector, is it then allowed to let the inner model to be a parameter of the library?

Below a simple example to illustrate the problem. TEST is the library and Fish3b is an application. When I run the Example in the library TEST it all works, but when I have a separate application file it does not.

The error text is: cannot find class declaration for AquariumType running JModelica 2.4

package TEST

   model FishType1
       outer Real T;
       Real health;
       health = 30-T;
   end FishType1;

   model FishType2
       outer Real T;
       Real health;
       health = 32-T;
   end FishType2;

   package Equipment
       model AquariumType
           replaceable model FishType
           end FishType;       
           FishType fish;
           inner Real T;
          T = 29;
       end AquariumType;
   end Equipment;

   // Adapt AquariumType model to actual fish
   model Aquarium
       import TEST.Equipment.AquariumType;
       extends AquariumType(redeclare model FishType=FishType2);
   end Aquarium;

   // Example
   model Example
       Aquarium aquarium;
   end Example;

end TEST;

And below an example of application code that import from library above - and here is some error I think.

   encapsulated package Fish3b

       model FishType3
           outer Real T;
           Real health;
           health = 34-T;
       end FishType3;

       // Adapt package Equipment with AquariumType model to actual fish
       package Equipment3 
           import TEST.Equipment;
           extends Equipment.AquariumType(redeclare model   FishType=FishType3);
       end Equipment3;

       // Example
       model Example
           import Fish3b.Equipment3;
           Equipment3.AquariumType aquarium;
       end Example;

   end Fish3b;


  • Updated the code with input from Hans Olsson before, but slightly different with the corrections suggested above. And I manage to avoid “extend from a replaceable model”, but I am not too sure how critical that is, see my previous comment.

    Also, I think I would like to keep the clear identity of the different fishes, and also declare them outside package Equipment.

        package TEST3
            partial model FishBase
                outer Real T;
            end FishBase;
            model FishType1
                extends FishBase;
                Real health;
                health = 30 - T;
            end FishType1;
            model FishType2
                extends FishBase;
                Real health;
                health = 32 - T;
            end FishType2;  
            package Equipment
                replaceable model FishType
                end FishType;
                constant Integer dummy = 1;
                model AquariumType
                    FishType fish;
                    inner Real T;
                    T = 29;
                end AquariumType;
            end Equipment;
            // Adapt package Equipment to the actual fish
            package Equipment3
                import TEST3.Equipment;
                extends Equipment;
                redeclare model FishType=FishType2;
            end Equipment3;
            // Example
            model Example
                Equipment3.AquariumType aquarium;
            end Example;
        end TEST3;

    And an example of application code:

        encapsulated package T3_Fish3
            model FishType3
                import TEST3.FishBase;
                extends FishBase;
                Real health;
                health = 34-T;
            end FishType3;
            // Adapt package Equipment to the actual fish
            package Equipment3
                import TEST3.Equipment;
                extends Equipment(redeclare model FishType=FishType3);
            end Equipment3;
            // Example
            model Example
                Equipment3.AquariumType aquarium;
            end Example;
        end T3_Fish3;