I have a request to count the number of records; the request returns 129980 records
SELECT count distinct ?url
?url a dbo:Film.
because each time SPARQL returns only 10000 records; So I have to use "offset".
SELECT distinct ?url
?url a dbo:Film.
}limit 10000 offset 1000
Question: if I want to take all the records, I need to set offset =12; But why when I set offset = 1000 I still got 1000 records. Thank for your responding so much. I appreciate your help.
Note that your first query uses invalid SPARQL syntax. You only get a result because the engine you're querying (if you're querying DBpedia, as it appears, that's Virtuoso) is very forgiving of many errors. Correct and complete syntax would be --
PREFIX dbo: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
SELECT ( COUNT ( DISTINCT ?url ) AS ?HowManyFilms )
?url a dbo:Film .
Things to know, for your second query --
means "skip this many rows from the total result set" LIMIT
means "only give me this many rows (starting after any OFFSET
. This can mean that multiple queries with different OFFSET
may not get you all rows, and may deliver duplicate rows, when all the partial result sets are combined. So -- anytime you're using OFFSET
and/or LIMIT
, it's best practice to also use an ORDER BY
.All together, add this to the first query to get the first 10,000 rows--
-- and this to get the last 9,980 rows --
ORDER BY ?url LIMIT 10000 OFFSET 120000
I leave the intermediary queries for you...