I am using PrimeNg with Angular 6 to generate a confirmation box on deleting an item from a form, and saving all changes made to the form. When
delete() {
message: 'Delete Item?',
key: 'delete',
accept: () => {
// code to delete row
submit() {
message: 'Save Changes',
key: 'submit',
accept: () => {
// code to save changes
<button pButton (click)="delete()"></button>
<button pButton (click)="submit()"></button>
<p-confirmDialog key="delete"></p-confirmDialog>
<p-confirmDialog key="submit"></p-confirmDialog>
When not using a key, both buttons call the submit confirm function. While using keys, the submit button calls the submit confirmation but gets stuck in a loop when accepted, and the delete function calls the submit confirmation then, if rejected, calls the delete confirmation.
What do I need to do so only the confirmation service specific to the function is called?
Try this code :
<button type="button" (click)="delete()" pButton icon="pi pi-check" label="Delete">
<button type="button" (click)="submit()" pButton icon="pi pi-times" label="Submit">
<p-confirmDialog ></p-confirmDialog>
submit() {
message: 'Are you sure that you want to proceed?',
header: 'Confirmation',
icon: 'pi pi-exclamation-triangle',
accept: () => {
//message here
reject: () => {
//message here
delete() {
message: 'Do you want to delete this record?',
header: 'Delete Confirmation',
icon: 'pi pi-info-circle',
accept: () => {
//message here
reject: () => {
//message here