The input directive on a stage allows you to prompt for input, using the input step. ..
(cit. Pipeline Syntax, Jenkins User Documentation
So is input
actually a directive, or a step? How to understand phrase "using
the input step"
Pipeline used here (extract):
stage('StageName') {
when { environment name: 'VAR1', value: 'true' }
steps {
input {
message: "press OK to continue"
dir('doithere') {
git url: gitcoord[0], branch: gitcoord[1], credentialsId: gitcoord[2]
cmd('ls -alh')
WorkflowScript: 336: Expected a step @ line 336, column 34.
message: "press OK to continue"
In declarative pipeline, you have to put it directly below the stage
level ("directive"). Then it is in the form input { .. }
In scripted pipelines (or script
blocks in declarative pipelines), it exists as a normal step. The syntax then is input(..)
stage('StageName') {
when { environment name: 'VAR1', value: 'true' }
steps {
dir('doithere') {
git url: gitcoord[0], branch: gitcoord[1], credentialsId: gitcoord[2]
cmd('ls -alh')
input(message: "press OK to continue")
cmd('rm -rf *')