Mates, my first post, searching and trying different solutions and approaches - and finally ended here asking.
I have a database with several related tables. A customer has a location, which has several settings (lifecycle eg. plan, build, run) and each setting has different circuits. Basically:
Now I want a list of locations with setting and circuit information, where the supplier of the circuit is selected.
How would I write this query with eloquent? Here is what I tried so far, but it seems to ignore the "where supplier" clause...
$locations = Locations::with(
['settings' => function($query) use ($request)
['circuits' =>function($query2) use ($request)
$query2->where('supplier', $request->supplier);
->where('customer_id', $customers_id)
I'm sure, that all the "hasMany" and "belongsTo" extensions are available. Thanks for reading & answering udowsky
Update: Working Code, based on Enver's hint:
$locations = Locations::with('settings')
->whereHas('settings.circuits', function($query) use ($request)
$query->where('supplier', $request->supplier);
->where('customer_id', $report->customers_id)
HasManyThrough approach also works smooth:
Extending the Locations model:
public function circuits()
return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Circuits', '\App\Settings');
and then use this query:
$locations = Locations::with('circuits')
->whereHas('circuits', function($query) use ($request)
$query->where('supplier', $request->supplier);
->where('customer_id', $report->customers_id)
Thank you all!
You can use nested relation query with eager loading.
$relation_sort = 'asc';
$nested_sort = 'desc';
$result = Model::with([
'relation' => function($query) use($relation_sort){
$query->orderBy('relation_column', $relation_sort);
'relation.nested' => function($query) use($nested_sort){
$query->orderBy('nested_relation_column', $nested_sort);
])->whereHas('relation', function($query){
//Relation exists check.
$query->where('price', '>', 100);
})->whereHas('relation.nested', function($query) use($search_param){
//Nested Relation search.
$query->where('search_column', 'LIKE', $search_param);