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How to migrate column type DOUBLE via cakephp phinx migrations?

I'm trying to migrate table from db1 to db2 with using Phinx migrations, but i have a problem with one table where i have column type DOUBLE. I know that supported types are there Phinx column type, but it is possible to specify FLOAT type to get DOUBLE in diff_migration ? I use cakephp version 3.5.6.

My example migration_diff

   use Migrations\AbstractMigration;

   class Diff003 extends AbstractMigration

public function up()

        ->addColumn('double1', 'float', [ // here type DOUBLE is changing to  FLOAT
            'default' => null,
            'limit' => null,
            'null' => true,
        ->addColumn('double2', 'float', [
            'default' => null,
            'limit' => null,
            'null' => true,

public function down()




  • The DOUBLE type has been implemented recently, and will probably be available in the next Phinx release (it's been added as of version 0.10.7), see

    Until then you can for example use the custom column type feature:

    ->addColumn('double1', \Phinx\Util\Literal::from('DOUBLE'), [
        // ...

    or manually add the columns via raw SQL, something like:

    $this->execute('ALTER TABLE test_double ADD COLUMN double1 DOUBLE NULL');

    or if you're adventurous, use the Phinx master branch until the stable release is available:

    composer require robmorgan/phinx:dev-master
    ->addColumn('double1', 'double', [
        // ...