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How to get exitcode from XML file using PowerShell?

I have a XML file look like this:


I have a PowerShell script look like this:

$regex = [regex]$Pattern
$matching = $regex.Match($FB)
if ($matching.Success) {
    while ($matching.Success) {
        "Match found: {0}" -f $matching.Value
        exit 123 #I want to delete this
        $matching = $matching.NextMatch()
} else {
    "Not Found" 
    exit 789 #I want to delete this

I want to get the exitcode, but I don't want to write exit 123 and exit 780, I just want to call the exit code from XML file, so everytime I want to change the exitcode number, I just modify from XML file, not from the PowerShell script.

So, I can get the exitcode log if I run the script using batch file, look like this:

set log=C:\Users\Log.txt
set PS=C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
set PS=%PS%\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File 

"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File C:\Users\XML.ps1 -i C:\Users\Feature.txt -j C:\Users\XML.xml

echo %ERRORLEVEL% > "%log%"


  • Something like this; read the XML file, then get the numbers from it by property references:

    $xmlData = New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlDocument
    $regex = [regex]$Pattern
    $matching = $regex.Match($FB)
    if ($matching.Success) {
        while ($matching.Success) {
            "Match found: {0}" -f $matching.Value
            exit $xmlData.Feature.ExitCode.Found
            $matching = $matching.NextMatch()
    } else {
        "Not Found" 
        exit $xmlData.Feature.ExitCode.NotFound

    Edit: update for better XML handling, which can handle XML file encodings correctly. Thanks to @tomalak's comments.