I wonder how to put several array values into the column names, with TRUE/FALSE values. I'll give you the concrete example:
What I have is repeated rows, with the last column duplicate because of different results:
DATE ID Species Illness Tag
20180101 001 Dog Asthma Mucus
20180101 001 Dog Asthma Noisy
20180101 001 Dog Asthma Respiratory
20180102 002 Cat Osteoarthritis Locomotor
20180102 002 Cat Osteoarthritis Limp
20180131 003 Bird Avian Pox Itchy
What I want to get is this:
DATE ID Species Illness Mucus Noisy ... Limp Itchy
20180101 001 Dog Asthma TRUE TRUE ... FALSE FALSE
20180102 002 Cat Osteoarth. FALSE FALSE ... TRUE FALSE
20180131 003 Bird Avian Pox FALSE FALSE ... FALSE TRUE
I tried with "crosstab" function just for the part of tags, but it gives me error of unexisting function:
select *
from crosstab (
'select c.id, tg."name"
FROM taggings t
join consultations c
on c.id=t.taggable_id
join tags tg
on t.tag_id=tg.id
group by c.id, tg."name"'
) as final_result(dermatological BOOLEAN, behaviour BOOLEAN)
Btw. I have around 350 tags, so it's not the most optimal function :/
EDIT: Finally I add tablefunc extension, and I tried with crosstab(), but I got the following error:
Query execution failed Reason: SQL Error [22023]: ERROR: invalid source data SQL statement Detail: The provided SQL must return 3 columns: rowid, category, and values.
I'll try to find a solution and update it here, but in the meantime if someone knows how to solve it, please share :) Thanks!
After days of reading and trying suggested solutions, this worked for me:
What I did is to get 3 separate tables, and then join the first and the third to get the info I need, plus the tags as columns with the value 1/0 if the tag exists in the certain ID. One more edit => I didn’t actually need the date, so I based the tables on IDs of consultations.
TABLE 1: Get a table of all the columns you need grouped by IDs, and get all the tags one ID has.
ID Species Age Illness Tag
001 Dog 2 Asthma Mucus
001 Dog 2 Asthma Noisy
001 Dog 2 Asthma Respiratory
002 Cat 5 Osteoarthritis Locomotor
002 Cat 5 Osteoarthritis Limp
003 Bird 1 Avian Pox Itchy
TABLE 2: Get the Cartesian product that will cross all the consultations with a list of all distinct tags, and order them for crosstab() function. (crosstab function needs to have 3 columns; ID, tags and values)
With consultation_tags as
(here put the query of the TABLE 1),
tag_list as
(select tags."name"
from tags
join taggings t on t.tag_id = tags.id
join consultations c on c.id = t.taggable_id a
group by 1), —-> gets the list of all possible tags in the DB
cartesian_consultations_tags as
(select consultations_tags.id, tag_list.name,
case when tag_list.name = consultations_tags.tag_name then 1
else 0 --> "case" gets the value 1/0 if the tag is present in an ID
end as tag_exists
cross join
select cartesian_consul_tags.id, cartesian_consul_tags.name,
SUM(cartesian_consul_tags.tag_exists) --> for me, the values were duplicated, and so were tags
from cartesian_consul_tags
group by 1, 2
order by 1, 2
—> the order of tags is really important here, because you are the one who names the columns in crosstab function; it doesn’t transform certain tag to a column, it only transfers the value of that tag position, so if you mess the naming order, the values will not correspond correctly.
TABLE 3: Crosstab of the second table —> it pivots the cartesian product table, or in this case the TABLE 2.
FROM crosstab(‘ COPY THE TABLE 2 ‘) --> if you have some conditions like “where species = ‘Dogs’”, you will need to put double apostrophe in the string value —> where species = ‘’Dogs’’
AS ct(id int4,”Itchy” int8,
“Limp” int8,
“Locomotor” int8,
“Mucus” int8,
“Noisy” int8) --> your tag list. You can prepare it in excel, so all the tags are in quotation marks and has corresponding datatype. The datatype of the tags has to be the same as the datatype of the “value” in the table 2
FINALLY, the final table I wanted was to join the tables 1 and 3, so I have info I need from the consultation IDs, and a list of tags as columns with the values 0/1 if the tag is present in certain consultation.
with table1 as ( Copy the query of table1),
table3 as ( Copy the query of table3)
select *
from table1
join table3 on
order by 1
And the final table looks like this:
ID Species Illness Mucus Noisy ... Limp Itchy
001 Dog Asthma 1 1 ... 0 0
002 Cat Osteoarth. 0 0 ... 1 0
003 Bird Avian Pox 0 0 ... 0 1
Depending on how you display the results of the query, you might consider a different approach where you get all true/false flags per tag in a single JSONB column, rather than 350 dynamic columns.
I am not sure if I understood your data model correctly, but from what I gathered I think it's something like this:
create table tags (id int, tag text);
create table consultations (id int, species text, illness text);
create table taggings (taggable_id int, tag_id int);
insert into tags
(id, tag)
(1, 'Mucus'),
(2, 'Noisy'),
(3, 'Limp'),
(4, 'Itchy'),
(5, 'Locomotor'),
(6, 'Respiratory');
insert into consultations
(id, species, illness)
(1, 'Dog', 'Asthma'),
(2, 'Cat', 'Osteoarthritis'),
(3, 'Bird', 'Avian Pox');
insert into taggings
(taggable_id, tag_id)
(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 6), -- the dog
(2, 5), (2, 3), -- the cat
(3, 4); -- the bird
Then you can get a single JSON column using this query:
select c.id, c.species, c.illness,
(select jsonb_object_agg(t.tag, tg.taggable_id is not null)
from tags t
left join taggings tg
on tg.tag_id = t.id
and tg.taggable_id = c.id) as tags
from consultations c;
With the above sample data the query returns:
id | species | illness | tags
1 | Dog | Asthma | {"Limp": false, "Itchy": false, "Mucus": true, "Noisy": true, "Locomotor": false, "Respiratory": true}
2 | Cat | Osteoarthritis | {"Limp": true, "Itchy": false, "Mucus": false, "Noisy": false, "Locomotor": true, "Respiratory": false}
3 | Bird | Avian Pox | {"Limp": false, "Itchy": true, "Mucus": false, "Noisy": false, "Locomotor": false, "Respiratory": false}
An alternative way of writing the query is to use a lateral join:
select c.id, c.species, c.illness, ti.tags
from consultations c
left join lateral (
select jsonb_object_agg(t.tag, tg.taggable_Id is not null) as tags
from tags t
left join taggings tg on tg.tag_id = t.id and tg.taggable_id = c.id
) as ti on true